AQ F201

Apie produktą

The AQ F201 offers a compact solution for any application requiring non-directional overcurrent and earth-fault protection. Selection of supportive functions for protection, measurement, monitoring, control and communication along with large programmable HMI guarantee the best in class price performance ratio for basic range of relays.


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Protection function ANSI
Three-phase overcurrent protection INST,DT or IDMT - I>, I>>, I>>> 50/51_1...3
Residual (sensitive) overcurrent protection INST,DT or IDMT - I0>, I0>>, I0>>> 50N/51N(S)_1...3
Harmonic overcurrent protection / inrush block INST,DT or IDMT - Ixh > 50/51h/68h
Cold load pick-up block - CLPU 68
Current unbalance /broken conductor protection INST,DT or IDMT - I2 (I2/I1)>        46/46R/46L
High-impedance restricted earth-fault protection - I0d> 87N
CT supervision - CTS  
Switch onto fault logic -SOTF  
Breaker failure protection - CBFP 50BF/52BF

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