AQ 101

Apie produktą

AQ 101 is a sophisticated micro-processor based arc flash protection unit for arc light detection. It is designed to minimize the damage caused by an arcing fault (arc flash) by tripping the circuit breaker sourcing the fault current. The AQ 101 complete system self-supervision function provides the highest level of dependability by continuously monitoring all internal system functions along with external connections.

AQ 101 can be used as a stand-alone unit or as a part of a more complex arc protection system through the binary bus.


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  • Wide range power supply (18-72Vdc or 80-265Vac/dc)
  • Max 12 arc light point sensors
  • Max 1 fiber loop sensor (option)
  • 4 trip relays (7ms trip time)
  • 1 system failure relay
  • 1 fast binary output
  • 2 fast binary inputs
  • 1 push button
  • Non-volatile memory
  • 12 indication LEDs
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